Mill Assembly 03

I accomplished quite a bit over the weekend, but haven't had time to post an update on the project.

Here is a new render of the mill assembly with a bunch of tweaks to parts like the way bearings, AB nuts, frame members, and some spacing/dimensions.

I received an email from Newark (an outfit in the UK, where I purchased my H-bridges and MCU). This is the first time I've had a project delayed due to volcanic eruption. However, with a name like Eyjafjallajökull, I am willing to overlook this minor inconvenience just so I can type Eyjafjallajökull. Eyjafjallajökull.

Saturday, I got the chance to try my hand at arc welding. I forgot my camera, so I don't have pictures of my beginner welds, but I did manage to make two or three really solid welds that ground down nicely. After my little welding tutorial, my friend helped me cut and prep six of the frame members. Tonight, I'm heading back to his shop to finish cutting, drilling, and tapping the frame members. Tomorrow night, I hope to be welding the C-shaped sections together. With any luck, the heavy-duty components will be finished and ready to paint Wednesday.

After the heavier parts of the frame are finished, most of my mechanical work will be constructing the smaller parts out of aluminum and plastic. It feels great to have some physical progress.